Category: Low carbon economy

Sustainable CPG Products Outpacing Conventional Counterparts

Sustainable CPG Products Outpacing Conventional Counterparts

By Tensie Whelan and Randi Kronthal-Sacco, NYU Center for Sustainable Business The NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business just-released analysis of IRI’s 2021 consumer purchasing data, The Sustainable Market Share Index, found sustainability marketed consumer packaged goods grew 2.7 times faster than ...

Winds of Change? Why Offshore Wind Might be the Next Big Thing

This article was first published here. By Arnout de Pee, Florian Küster, and Andreas Schlosser, McKinsey & Co. The landscapes of Rembrandt glow with the great painter’s rendering of light. And they are distinctive for another reason: windmills are everywhere. As far back ...

Why a Carbon Tax Alone Isn’t a Miracle Cure for Climate

By Hal Harvey, CEO, Energy Innovation  Momentum is growing for a carbon tax to help solve climate change—and for good reason: Properly designed, it induces energy-efficient equipment; balances renewable energy with fossil incumbents; and shows consumers the societal cost of pollution, ...

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