Category: Scenarios

Trump, Carbon Neutrality and the Next Phase of Business Sustainability

This piece was originally featured on The Conversation. By Andy Hoffman, Holcim (US) Professor of Sustainable Enterprise, University of Michigan The Trump administration appears to be moving in one direction on the issue of climate change with the appointment of climate skeptic Scott ...

Understanding Food Price Spikes: Insights for Business and Policymakers

By Michael A. Levi & Lindsay Iversen, Council on Foreign Relations Introduction  Sudden, sharp increases in food prices have occurred more frequently in the last decade than in the previous thirty years, leading analysts to wonder whether a generation of relative stability ...

The Internet of Things, the Pope, Trump, Lessig and VW – The Case for Optimism

By Toby Redshaw, CEO, Kevington Advisors The next generation of the Internet, including the Internet of Things, bodes well for the environment.Timing is everything and now Volkswagen has just aided the cause tremendously. Then we have Donald Trump, His Holiness the ...

Think the U.S. is achieving energy independence? Think again.

By Bruce Jones, Deputy Director for Foreign Policy, The Brookings Institution As global oil prices slump towards $50/barrel, we are hearing more voices in the United States argue that the U.S. is now shielded from global energy dynamics. The implication of ...

The 100/100 Plan to Create the $10 Trillion New Economy

We have a worldwide challenge to solve climate change. We need the equivalent of 100,000 companies to sell $100 million worth of climate change solutions by 2020. The result: a new $10 trillion economy. We have named this the “100-100 ...

Scenarios: How Could Ecosystem Services Concepts Play Out by 2025?

Scenarios: How Could Ecosystem Services Concepts Play Out by 2025?

By Sissel Waage and Kit Armstrong, Business for Social Responsibility. Intro: As part of the Corporate Eco Forum’s Valuing Natural Capital Initiative, we are making an effort to showcase other key organizations working with business to elevate the concept of natural capital and facilitate ...

Fortran Forward: Imagining Tomorrow’s Sustainability Innovations

Fortran Forward: Imagining Tomorrow’s Sustainability Innovations

By Mitch Jackson, VP for Environmental Affairs & Sustainability at FedEx. Show me someone who predicts the future and I’ll show you someone who’s generally correct some of the time, but specifically wrong all of the time When I was in college, my ...

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