CEF Spotlight

Making ESG Reporting Work for Companies

Making ESG Reporting Work for Companies

By Dan Esty and Tyler Yeargain More and more investors want better alignment between their values and their portfolios – thus driving expanded interest in corporate sustainability performance as gauged by Environmental/Social/Governance (ESG) metrics. But the existing ESG data frameworks – ...

Five Lessons From McKinsey & Company’s Annual Global Sustainability Summit

Five Lessons From McKinsey & Company’s Annual Global Sustainability Summit

This article was originally featured here. By Dickon Pinner, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Co. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused us to reimagine many fundamental aspects of business and society faster than thought possible just six months ago, in ways that could help ...

CEO Blueprint for Achieving Racial Equity

CEO Blueprint for Achieving Racial Equity

  This article was originally featured here. By Greg Hills, Lakshmi Iyer, Michael McAfee, Josh Kirschenbaum, and Martin Whittaker The following is a joint statement from FSG, PolicyLink, and JUST Capital. The courageous antiracist movement sweeping across the world has called into question the American legacy. We have ...

Five Tips for Embedding ESG in the Earnings Call

A version of this appeared as an Op. Ed. in IR Magazine. By Kevin Eckerle, Director of Corporate Research and Engagement, NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business; Brian Tomlinson, Director of Research for the CEO Investor Forum at Chief Executives for ...

Bold Business Leadership is Key to Rebuilding a Resilient, Low-Carbon Economy

By Tom Murray, Vice President, EDF+Business  This article was originally published here. Even before the tragic illness, heartbreaking loss of life and growing financial hardship of the COVID-19 crisis, the social contract between government, business and society was stretched to its limit. ...

Is the COVID-19 Outbreak a Black Swan or the New Normal?

Is the COVID-19 Outbreak a Black Swan or the New Normal?

This article was originally featured in MIT Sloan Management Review. By Andrew Winston, Author and Founder of Winston Eco-Strategies In the time between writing this and reading it, whatever I say about COVID-19 will likely be out of date. That’s the nature ...

How to Get Involved in the World Economic Forum’s COVID Action Platform

How to Get Involved in the World Economic Forum’s COVID Action Platform

As the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation, the World Economic Forum, acting as partner to the World Health Organization, is mobilizing all stakeholders to protect lives and livelihoods. Context The dramatic spread of COVID-19 has disrupted lives, livelihoods, communities and businesses worldwide. ...

Mainstreaming Nature: 3 Simple Strategies

Mainstreaming Nature: 3 Simple Strategies

By Margaret O’Gorman, President, Wildlife Habitat Council Business plays a lead role in addressing many of the challenges that face our world today. The inclusion of business as a significant sector in helping achieve the UNSDGs is no accident as policy ...

Challenging Ourselves to Act on Climate and Energy

Challenging Ourselves to Act on Climate and Energy

By James Newcomb (Managing Director) and Kieran Coleman (Manager), Rocky Mountain Institute The choice is now clearer than ever: either we take immediate action to mitigate climate change, or bear the consequences of abrupt and irreversible changes to the earth system on which ...

Reflections from the Peruvian Amazon | 2019

Reflections from the Peruvian Amazon | 2019

  Last month, ten outstanding leaders from CEF member companies — chosen from a highly competitive field of applicants — attended the CEF Sustainability Leadership Development Program, “Harnessing Collaborative Leadership to Achieve Sustainability at Scale” led by Bruno Sarda, President, North ...

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